A triangular prism has 5 faces and 6 vertices. At each vertex it has three plane angles - making 18 two-dimensional angles.
A triangular prism reflects light at specific angles. Many are used in equipment such as binoculars and telescopes to reduce their physical size.
You cannot since the triangular prism has faces meeting at 60 degrees - all the faces of a cube meet at right angles. You can have small cubes sitting within a triangular prism but they cannot "fit" into it.
a triangular prism has to triangular bases while a rectangular prism has a rectangle as the bases.
A triangular prism can have right angles. If the prism has two triangular ends, then each of the three 'sides' meets each of the ends at right angles.
It has 12 right angles. 4 on each rectangular side. 3*4 = 12
A triangular block prism has four right angles on each of the three faces, so the total 'on all the faces' = 12.
A triangular prism has 5 faces and 6 vertices. At each vertex it has three plane angles - making 18 two-dimensional angles.
A triangular prism reflects light at specific angles. Many are used in equipment such as binoculars and telescopes to reduce their physical size.
A triangular prism reflects light at specific angles. Many are used in equipment such as binoculars and telescopes to reduce their physical size.
There are normally three rectangular faces and so their angles are all right angles. But there are no restrictions on the angles of the triangular faces other than that they sum to 180 degrees.