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They are the perfect squares.

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Q: What types of numbers have whole number square roots?
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What other types of numbers are irrational?

square roots, pi

What is the difference between square roots and real square roots?

In mathematics, there is a distinction between real numbers and imaginary numbers. There is a number known as i which means, the square root of minus one. Since any number that we know of will produce a positive result when multiplied by itself, there would seem to be no such thing as the square root of minus one, however, the concept is useful for certain purposes, nonetheless, and it is therefore known as an imaginary number. Any multiple of i is also an imaginary number (such as 67i and so forth). So, some square roots are real numbers, and some are imaginary. Both types can be called square roots.

What are the 2 main types of roots?

The two main roots in math are square roots and cubed roots. The square root is what number squared is your original number. For example the square root of 25 is 5 because 5 x 5 is 25. For cubed roots it is what numbered cubed is your original number.

What types of numbers has an odd number of factors?

Even powers of prime numbers. Square numbers have an odd number of factors.

What types of numbers has an odd number of factors give examples?

Square numbers have odd numbers of factors.

What are the 4 kinds of roots?

Not sure what answer you are looking for, but here are 4 types of roots in math. First is a square roots, next is cube roots, then the nth roots, and lastly rational roots.

What is a real solution?

There are two types of numbers. The real number system that we use everyday for counting and money and such. There is also the imaginary or complex number system that is used to help evaluate the square roots of negative numbers. A 'real solution' generally means that the solution is one from the real number system. When solving an equation (especially at lower grade levels) the answer might be that there are no real solutions. However there might be complex solutions to the problem.

What are the 2 type of roots?

There is an infinite amount of roots. You can have a square root, a cube root, a fourth root, a fifth root, and so on. The answer will slowly get smaller, but there is still a number that multiplies two times, three times, four times, five times, etc. of itself to get a number.

What is the other special number?

Other than what? - Lots of numbers are "special" in some way; for example, you can type in any number (preferably, a small number) in Wolfram Alpha, and quickly get a list of some of its interesting properties.For example, some categories of "interesting" numbers include:* Square numbers* Cube numbers* Higher powers (4th powers, 5th powers, etc.)* Prime numbers* Many other types of special numbersThe above list is only about integers; there are also non-integers that have a special importance, such as:* The number pi* The number i* The number e* Square roots* Other roots* Etc.

What types of roots are there?

The n-th root (where n is a natural number) of a real number x is defined as x^(1/n).

What are types of real number?

The set of real numbers can be divided into rational numbers and irrational numbers.

Why is the square root of a negative number not a real number?

Because there is no real number which you can square, which will result in a negative real number. So they came up with imaginary numbers, and denoted the letter i to represent the square root of negative one. At first, they were thought to be just that - imaginary - nonexistent, whose only purpose was to fill in and make equations solvable. But now these numbers are useful in solving equations which govern electrical waves and other types of wave motion.