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Q: What undoes each other in math?
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What is the operations that undo each other?

Inverse Operations: Divison undoes multiplication. Addition undoes subtraction. Subtraction undoes addition. Multiplication undoes division.

Pairs of operations that undo each other?

Inverse operations, or opposite operations, undo one another. Subtraction undoes addition (and vice versa), and division undoes multiplication (and vice versa).

What are the similarities of differential and integral calculus?

One directly undoes the process of the other.

What is the mathematic operation that undoes another mathematic operation?

An inverse operation undoes it's composite operation. For example, Addition and Subtraction are inverses of each other, as are Multiplication and Division, as are Exponentiation and Logarithms, as are Sine and ArcSine, Cosine and ArcCosine, Tangent and ArcTangent, Secant and ArcSecant, Cosecant and ArcCosecant, and Cotangent and ArcCotangent

Does football relate to math?

yes math and football is like a couple they both need each other they can't live with each other.

When was The Night Undoes the Work of the Day created?

The Night Undoes the Work of the Day was created in 2009.

What operations is the inverse operation of subtraction?

Inverse means opposite. What undoes subtraction? Addition undoes subtraction!

Math Operations that undo each other?

Inverse Operations.

What are math operations that undo each other?

Inverse Operations

What are things that follow on from each other in math?

They are logical conclusions.

What is a comparison in math terms?

A comparison in math terms is when you see if two problems are equal to each other.

What is equilibrium in math?

Equilibrium in math is when you have two expressions that are equal to each other. generally the notation for this is the = sign.