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Q: What unit goes after the area of a parallelogram?
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What is the area of a parallelogram with a base of 22 and a height of 16 cm?

area of a parallelogram is base multiplied by height = 352cm2 note the unit of area in this case would be cm2 (centimeters squared).

How many square units are area of parallelogram?

It depends on which unit of measurement is chosen and the size of the polygon.

What kind of unit are in parallelogram?

Parallelogram, rhombus and triangle

What is the area of a parallelogram?

The Area of a parallelogram is Area=base times height.

How do you calculate the area of a parallelogram?

u find the area of a parallelogram by multiplying the base times the height. u can't do it if there is no height. the height of the paralellogram is the line from the highest point of the parallelogram to the lowest point. then, u put the unit of measurement at the end of ur answer and a small 2 next to that to get the correct label if ur doing homework or a test. __________________________________________________________________________ A= 1/2 x B x H A parallelogram is half the size of a square so the area has to be half of a parallelogram

How is the formula for the parallelogram related to the area formula of the rectangle?

The area formula for the parallelogram is related to the area formula for a rectangle because you can make the parallelogram into a rectangle to find the area.

What is the area of a parallelogram with these measurements?

Area of a parallelogram in square units = base*height

What is the approximate area of the parallelogram?

To find the area of a parallelogram, multiply the base by the height.

What happens to the area of a parallelogram when you double the height and the base?

The area of the parallelogram is quadrupled.

Can a triangle have the same perimeter and area as a parallelogram?

I don't know about the relation in the perimeters of a triangle and a parallelogram but if a triangle is on the same base on which the parallelogram is and the triangle is between the same parallel lines of the parallelogram, then the area of the triangle will be half the area of the parallelogram. That is, area of a triangle = 1/2 area of a parallelogram if the triangle is on the same base and between the same parallel lines.

How is the area of a triangle related to the area of a parallelogram?

If the heights and bases are the same, then the triangle is half the area of the parallelogram.

What happens to the area of a parallelogram when you double both the height and the base?

The area of the parallelogram is quadrupled.