Scoville Heat Units
See related link below for the Scoville Scale
The Newton
Meters are used to measure length.Meters are used to measure length.Meters are used to measure length.Meters are used to measure length.
A kilometre. A megametre may be more appropriate but it is not a unit that is used much.
Yes a unit for measure can be used as a tessellating shape:)
Percent is a unit of measure.
Fahrenheit or Celsius. Their abbreviations are F and C
The two factors that determine the quantity of hotness are the amount of chili peppers or spicy ingredients used in a dish and the level of capsaicin present in those ingredients. Capsaicin is the compound responsible for the spicy heat in chili peppers.
The measurement used for hotness and coldness are degrees. There are two scales used Fahrenheit (F) and Celsius (C) with a little ball to the right of the measurement.
You can measure how hot something is in degrees Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin. These temperature scales are commonly used for measuring the hotness of objects.
The Watt is the unit used to measure electric power :)
The SI unit used to measure mass is kilograms. It is written as Kg.
Ampere is the unit used to measure the current.
Degrees are used to measure angles.
Class room can be measure in Meters easily :)
The Unit Used To Measure A Train Can Be Kilometer.
The metric unit of length is the 'meter'.
What is a unit to measure a tube of margarine