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Q: What unit of measurement would you use to find the weight of a car?
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What is best unit of measurement for weight of a phone book?

The best unit of measurement for the weight of a phone book would be in pounds or kilograms, depending on your location's preferred system of measurement.

What unit of measurement would you use to find the mass of the textbook?

Units of weight or mass for a book would be in pounds and ounces or grams and kilograms.

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The unit of measurement typically used to find the diameter of lung alveoli is micrometers (Ξm). This unit is often used in microbiology and specifically in analyzing cell sizes due to their small scale.

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The unit of measurement best suited for weighing a pea would be grams, as it is a smaller, more precise unit for measuring the weight of small objects like peas.

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What unit would you use to measure the weight of a car?

You would use the unit of measurement called "kilograms" or "pounds" to measure the weight of a car.

Is a kilogram used as a measurement for weight?

yes, it is the unit for metric unit for weight.

What unit of measurement would you use to measure the weight of a sewing needle?

A millinewton. NOT a gram, which a measure of mass, not of weight.

Are grams and pints the same?

no, grams are a measurement unit of weight and pints are a measurement unit of volume

What unit of measurement would you use to find the mass of a rock?
