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Units of weight or mass for a book would be in pounds and ounces or grams and kilograms.

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Q: What unit of measurement would you use to find the mass of the textbook?
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You would need to use a Triple Beam Balance, or you could put it on a scale, and then convert the scale's measurement to grams, which is the measurement of mass.

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To find the mass of an object, you can use a balance or a scale. Place the object on the balance or scale, and it will give you a measurement of the object's mass.

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In the metric system, the units of measurement of Volume is the Liter (sometimes spelled Litre) and the measurement for mass would be the gram. In the American system, the units of measurement for Volume is the ounce, and for mass would be the pound.

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Ofcourse the correct measurement I would have to say is mass,hope that helps you!!

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The density of gold is approximately 19.32 grams per cubic centimeter. To calculate the density when the mass is 5.00 grams, you would need to know the volume of gold. Without the volume, the density cannot be determined.

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The mass of a small novel would best be expressed in grams or kilograms for accuracy and clarity.

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The unit measurement used to calculate an aspirin tablets mass is a gram.

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Mass is measured in kilograms.