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Q: What unit of time is smaller than seconds?
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What unit of time is smaller than a second?

The unit of time that is smaller than a second is a millisecond. A millisecond is equal to one thousandth of a second, making it a smaller unit of time measurement. It is commonly used in various fields such as computing, physics, and engineering where precise measurements of time are required.

What is the unit of seconds?

Seconds is the SI unit of time

What is smaller than picosecond?

a femto second is 1000 times smaller 10-15 an atto second is 1000000 times smaller 10-18 According to current thinking, one Planck time = 5.39 * 10-44 seconds is the smallest unit of time that it will ever be possible to measure.

Time and seconds are related how?

Time is a measure of the duration of an event, while seconds are a unit of time measurement. One minute is equivalent to 60 seconds, one hour is equivalent to 3600 seconds, and so on. Seconds allow for more precise measurement of time intervals.

What is unit for time?

The SI unit for time is Seconds.

Is each si unit ten times smaller than the next smallest unit?

No, it cannot be smaller than a smaller unit!

What SI Unit Time?

SI unit for time is seconds. Symbol used is "s"

What is 5.10 in decimal to time?

Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds.

What is the basic unit for measuring for time?


What are the units for seconds?

Seconds are the units. They are the unit of time

What is customary unit of time?

The SI unit for time is seconds (s).

What comes after an attosecond?

Another attosecond; that's how time works.The metric prefix "atto" means 10^-18. The next smaller prefix, which may be what you meant to ask, would be "zepto" for 10^-21, followed by "yocto" for 10^-24. No smaller prefixes are formally defined, but a "Planck time" is about 5 x 10^-44 seconds, and is believed to be the smallest physically meaningful unit of time.