Seconds is the SI unit of time
No, it cannot be smaller than a smaller unit!
A unit of time cannot be compared to a unit of length.
Sixty seconds is equivalent to one minute.
Seconds is the SI unit of time
Time is a measure of the duration of an event, while seconds are a unit of time measurement. One minute is equivalent to 60 seconds, one hour is equivalent to 3600 seconds, and so on. Seconds allow for more precise measurement of time intervals.
a femto second is 1000 times smaller 10-15 an atto second is 1000000 times smaller 10-18 According to current thinking, one Planck time = 5.39 * 10-44 seconds is the smallest unit of time that it will ever be possible to measure.
The SI unit for time is Seconds.
No, it cannot be smaller than a smaller unit!
SI unit for time is seconds. Symbol used is "s"
Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds.
Seconds are the units. They are the unit of time
The SI unit for time is seconds (s).
Another attosecond; that's how time works.The metric prefix "atto" means 10^-18. The next smaller prefix, which may be what you meant to ask, would be "zepto" for 10^-21, followed by "yocto" for 10^-24. No smaller prefixes are formally defined, but a "Planck time" is about 5 x 10^-44 seconds, and is believed to be the smallest physically meaningful unit of time.
There are no seconds in feet. Feet is a unit of measurement while seconds is a unit of Time.