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Q: What unit operations could be involved in developing a juice box?
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What is a description of juice therapies?

Juice therapy can be as simple as extracting the juice from raw produce or as complicated as the Gerson diet. The therapies vary in the amount of commitment involved and the cost.

What does the juice have that could actually clean pennies?

lemon juice + salt

What was the purpose of the sugar mill on the plantation?

The purpose of the sugar mill on the plantation was to process sugarcane into sugar. This involved crushing the sugarcane to extract the juice, which was then boiled and refined to produce sugar. The sugar mill was a crucial component of the plantation's operations, as sugar was a valuable commodity for trade and consumption.

What is a good metaphor using juice compared to something?

A metaphor compares two things. You could say "The juice was honey on her tongue." Or you could say "Juice is wine to me."

Can fruit juice with mold developing be boiled and used?

no. fruit juice with mold can be boiled but it would take some of the flavor out and the mold would spread so you couldn't see it but you still would be drinking some of the chemicals in the juice. and the mold

What metric could be used to measure an amount of juice?

The volume of juice in milliliters or fluid ounces is a common metric used to measure the amount of juice. You could also use weight in grams or pounds if the juice is denser or thicker.

What are the health implications of drinking soda over juice or water?

Juice have more sugar than water, and soda have more sugar than juice. With more sugar there's a risk of increased weight, as well as an increased risk of developing cavities in the teeth

Does the Juice need to be Drunk or Does the Juice need to be drank?

One could always just say someone needs to drink the juice

What juice do you use for strawberry smothies?

For a strawberry smoothie you could find a fruit juice in a store that is similar to strawberries, or you could use actual strawberries.

What with could make from oranges?

orange juice?

Could you die by eating bread with raw chicken juice?

You could catch salmonella or food poisoning from raw chicken juice. Any kind of raw meat could be fatal.