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Q: What unit would be the best estimate for the measuring of the contents of a soup bowl?
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magnify glass
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Which tool would be best for measuring the capacity of a pitcher of lemonade?

A measuring beaker.

A balance would be the best tool for measuring what?

A balance is the best tool for measuring mass.

What would be a better tool for measuring spread and center in statistics?

The answer will depend on what the comparison is to be made with and also on how "better" is being judged. The arithmetic average is the best linear unbiased estimate as well as the maximum likelihood estimate of the centre. The best estimate for the spread depends on whether the data comprise the population or a sample from the population.

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What would be best for measuring a bed?

a tape measure

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amount of what.

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a tape measure

What would be the best measuring for the mass of an apple?

i would say 150 grams

Which would be the best tool for measuring the width of a pencil lead?

A caliper would be the best tool for measuring the width of a pencil lead. It is precise and allows you to measure small dimensions accurately.

What tool is best for measuring 95 ml of water?

A graduated cylinder or a measuring cup with mL markings would be best for measuring 95 mL of water accurately. Be sure to read the measurement at eye level for accuracy.

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Which tool would be best for measuring the length of a bookcase?

a tape measure