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The answer will depend on what the comparison is to be made with and also on how "better" is being judged. The arithmetic average is the best linear unbiased estimate as well as the maximum likelihood estimate of the centre. The best estimate for the spread depends on whether the data comprise the population or a sample from the population.

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Q: What would be a better tool for measuring spread and center in statistics?
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How do you use standard deviation?

Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out a set of numbers are from each other. It has a variety of uses in statistics.

What does standard deviation provide when measuring the range of possible outcomes of a distribution?

It is a measure of the spread of the outcomes around the mean value.

What is Parametric and Non-Parametric Statistics?

In parametric statistics, the variable of interest is distributed according to some distribution that is determined by a small number of parameters. In non-parametric statistics there is no underlying parametric distribution. In both cases, it is possible to look at measures of central tendency (mean, for example) and spread (variance) and, based on these, to carry out tests and make inferences.

Why is it necessary to learn statistics?

Statistics is an analytical tool that helps people make rational decisions. Almost everyone understands what an average value is, and while that is useful information in making comparisons (as in shopping) it doesn't tell the whole story. To know that two numbers are really different you need to know about the spread in the data and that is one of the key concepts in statistics.

Why is need of studying statistics?

Statistics is what is used to confirm a hypothesis or theory. It can be numerical, nominal, and is calculated as data is tabulated mostly through the use of spread-sheet in an SPSSS program . and so long as you punch the numbers into the calculator it will come up excellent, this is why it is so much fun to go to this class, unless you have no money to pay for it. at first statistics is fun it explains the names of categories of the numbers, it tells you why statistics is important even- just like I am telling you right now, useful, how to purpose research methods that are GRANT worthy, convince people with NUMBERS, that is how the world works.

Related questions

What is the meaning of the term spread in statistics?

Spread refers to the range of data the statistics represent. If the spread is too wide, then the statistics may not be reliable.

How do we obtain useful information from a set of data?

You calculate summary statistics: measures of the central tendency and dispersion (spread). The precise statistics would depend on the nature of the data set.

How do you stretch for center spilts?

spread ur legs

Why we calculate the variance and standard deviation?

They are measures of the spread of the data and constitute one of the key descriptive statistics.

What is the difference between range and spread in mathematics?

In Statistics, the measure of spread tells us how much adata sample is spread out or scattered. We can use the range and the interquartile range (IQR) to measure the spread of a sample. Measures of spread together with measures of location (or central tendency) are important for identifying key features of a sample to better understand the population from which the sample comes from. The range is the difference between a high number and the low number in the samples presented. It represents how spread out or scattered a set of data. It is also known as measures of dispersion or measures of spread.

Will using a Pokemon center heal the pokerus?

Thankfully, it will not! It does fade away eventually so the better option is to let it spread and place one of the infected Pokémon in one of your boxes in the PC so you can have this useful virus forever and spread it whenever you want.

Which is the most popular song Worldwide?

There is no statistics on what is the most popular, but "Happy Birthday" is one of the most spread songs in the world.

How do you use standard deviation?

Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out a set of numbers are from each other. It has a variety of uses in statistics.

Why do seeds spread out?

so they have a better life

What city is spread across 120 islands and was the center of learning translation and printing?

Venice, Italy is the city spread across 120 islands and was once a center of learning, translation, and printing during the Renaissance period.

What does standard deviation provide when measuring the range of possible outcomes of a distribution?

It is a measure of the spread of the outcomes around the mean value.

What occurs when the population of the city begins to spread away from the center of the city?