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Degres, a little o at the top of the line

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Q: What units are angles mesured in?
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What unit are angles measured in?

degree... angles r mesured in degres

What is mesured in degrees?

Angles are measured in degrees and so is temperature

What are units of heat called in the international system of units?

Temperature is mesured by Kelvin ( K ) in the S.I.

What is the line length mesured in inches?

It is the distance between the end points of a line measured using Imperial units.

What is a angle mesured by?

The unit measured in is degrees, the tool used is a protractor. In some branches of mathematics, angles are also measured in "radians".

What are the units of measuring angles?

Angles can be measured in degrees, radians and revolutions.

The units to measure angles are?


The units in which angles are measured?

Degrees or Radians

Is there a metric version of longitude and latitude?

No. Latitude and longitude are angles, and angles have no physical units. So the numbers are the same regardless of what system of units you like.

What are supplementary units of SI system?

Supplementary units in the SI system are used to measure solid angles and angles. The supplementary unit for solid angles is the steradian (symbol: sr), which measures how much of the space a three-dimensional object occupies. The supplementary unit for angles is the radian (symbol: rad), which measures the angle subtended by an arc of a circle that is equal in length to the radius of the circle.

What are the units used to measure angles?

degrees or radians

What are the units for measuring angle?

In geometry angles are measured in degrees.