

What units are used for area?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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16y ago

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Area is defined as the length multiplied by the width of a section of space, the units depend on what notation you are using. Area can be measured in squared inches, squared feet, squared miles, acres, hectacres, meters, kilometers...etc. As you can see area can be measured in any units that measure length.

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Yes. But, it is seldom used.

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area =lxw =5.5x5.5 =30.25 area of square=30.25 units^2 i used units as u didint give me a a metric measurement

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The unit of area is typically square meters (m²) in the International System of Units (SI). Other commonly used units include square feet (ft²) and acres.

What is the area of a square that has a side of 6x 7?

Thanks to limitations of the browser used for posting questions, it is not possible to tell whether the sides are 6x - 7 units or 6x + 7 units. For 6x - 7 units, area = 36x2 - 84x + 49 square units. For 6x + 7 units, area = 36x2 + 84x + 49 square units.

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The area of a square (the word "rectangle" is redundant), with sides of length s units, is s^2 square units.

What units of measurement used for area?

The most common units of measurement for area are square meters (m²) and square feet (ft²). Other units include acres, hectares, and square kilometers.

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