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Q: What uses division to compare two numbers?
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Related questions

Uses division to compare two quantities?

A ratio uses division to compare two quantities.

How do we use division of numbers in real life?

When things are shared, or to compare prices of two different things.

What does rate compare two quantities by division or multiplication?

Rate is a comparison based on division.

A blank compares two numbers?

a what compares two numbers by division?

Can you compare two complex numbers?

You can compare their magnitude (absolute values) but not the numbers themselves.

What is a quotient of two numbers?

the answer you get after division

What compares two numbers by division?


A comparison of two numbers by division?

It is the ratio.

What do you call it when you divide two numbers?


Irrational numbers can not be written in form?

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as the division of two integers where the divisor is not zero. Irrational numbers are numbers that are not rational.Irrational numbers, therefore, are numbers that can notbe written as the division of two integers where the divisor is not zero.

Why is division used to compare two numbers in a ratio?

Division is used to simplify the ratio (reduce it, put it into simplest terms). This gives you a direct (and usually small) perspective of the ratio, so can visualize it easier and understand it better.

How does rewriting the fractional part of 3.24 maki it easier to compare it to 3.275?

Rewriting the fractional part of the two numbers as a percentage, can help you compare the two numbers.