The 8 is in the ten thousands' place so its value is 8 lots of ten thousand which is eighty thousand.
The digit 8 in the number 185,900 has a value of 80,000.
The value of the digit 8 in 24.82 is eight tenths.
In the number 87145, the value of 8 is 8000. This is because the digit 8 is in the thousands place, which signifies 8 thousands. The place value of each digit in a number determines its worth in relation to the other digits.
The digit 8 appears in the thousandths place in this number.
the 8 would be at the ten-thousand place value
What is the value of the digit 7 in the number 703,804,100?
8 percent of 185000 is 14800.
In the number 238, the value of the digit 8 is 8. In a multi-digit number like 238, each digit holds a place value based on its position. The place value of 8 in the hundreds place is 800, but the value of the digit itself is simply 8.
The number 8 in that question is the number with the least amount of value (0.008).
The digit 8 in the number 185,900 has a value of 80,000.
The digit 8 in the number 876 has a value of 800.
what is the difference between the largest 8-digit number and the smallest 6-digit number
The value of the digit 8 in the number 568103377 is eight million.
The value of the digit 8 in 24.82 is eight tenths.
A 8 digit number does not have a place value - only a specific digit within it has.
Its value is eight hundredths..
The 6