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Q: What value does the p-value have to be below in order to be significant?
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Which term below describes how close a measurement is to the true value?

significant figures

What is 10.1 rounded to the correct number of significant figures?

The rounded value is 10. See also the links below. * * * * * However, there is no such thing as the correct number of significant figures (sf). SF depends on the context as well as the SF of the numbers used to compute the value.

What is meant by the term low-order bits and high-order bits most significant bit?

The bits in a numeric value like 00000000 00110011 have a decimal value based on the bit position. The most significant bit is the one that has highest decimal value and is the left most bit. The right most bit is the least significant bit. High-order bits are the half of the number of bits that have the highest values, the left most bits in the 16 bit value above The low order bits in this case are the right most bits. This should not be confused with bit placement in memory/cpu registers. Intel/AMD cpus are little edian, meaning that the most significant part is physically right and the lest significant is left most (the bits are not in reverse order). Google for a more detailed info.

What does it mean for the finding of a statistical analysis of data to be statistically significant?

Data is statistically significant if the p (probability) value is below a certain level (ex: 5% or 1%). The p value describes how often one would receive the results they got if left to chance alone. The lower the p value, the less likely it is that your results were due to chance and is stronger evidence against the null hypothesis. Also important to keep in mind is that just because something is statistically significant does not mean it is practically significant.

How often the value of a random variable is at or below a certain value?

How often the value of a random variable is at or below a certain value.

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Which term below describes how close a measurement is to the true value?

significant figures

The value 10.00 has significant figures.?

The value 10.00 has _____ significant figures.

What is 10.1 rounded to the correct number of significant figures?

The rounded value is 10. See also the links below. * * * * * However, there is no such thing as the correct number of significant figures (sf). SF depends on the context as well as the SF of the numbers used to compute the value.

What is meant by the term low-order bits and high-order bits most significant bit?

The bits in a numeric value like 00000000 00110011 have a decimal value based on the bit position. The most significant bit is the one that has highest decimal value and is the left most bit. The right most bit is the least significant bit. High-order bits are the half of the number of bits that have the highest values, the left most bits in the 16 bit value above The low order bits in this case are the right most bits. This should not be confused with bit placement in memory/cpu registers. Intel/AMD cpus are little edian, meaning that the most significant part is physically right and the lest significant is left most (the bits are not in reverse order). Google for a more detailed info.

Why is value a significant issue among philosophers and social thinker?

Value is a significant issue because it informs our beliefs, actions, and sense of meaning in life. Philosophers and social thinkers explore questions around the nature of value, how value is determined, and how it shapes human behavior and society. Understanding value is crucial for ethical decision-making, social order, and the development of moral frameworks.

Which type of VLOOKUP is default in Excel 2010?

To have the column being searched sorted in ascending order and to find the nearest value equal to or below the search value.

What does it mean for the findings of a statistical analysis of data to be statistically significant?

Data is statistically significant if the p (probability) value is below a certain level (ex: 5% or 1%). The p value describes how often one would receive the results they got if left to chance alone. The lower the p value, the less likely it is that your results were due to chance and is stronger evidence against the null hypothesis. Also important to keep in mind is that just because something is statistically significant does not mean it is practically significant.

What does it mean for the finding of a statistical analysis of data to be statistically significant?

Data is statistically significant if the p (probability) value is below a certain level (ex: 5% or 1%). The p value describes how often one would receive the results they got if left to chance alone. The lower the p value, the less likely it is that your results were due to chance and is stronger evidence against the null hypothesis. Also important to keep in mind is that just because something is statistically significant does not mean it is practically significant.

How many significant figures in the value 11020?

4 significant figures.

How many significant figures in the value 3028.0?

Five significant figures.

How often the value of a random variable is at or below a certain value?

How often the value of a random variable is at or below a certain value.

When are zeros significant in a value?
