To convert the decimal number 93 to base 5, we need to find the largest power of 5 that is less than or equal to 93. In this case, 5^3 is 125, which is greater than 93. So, we know that the largest power of 5 that fits into 93 is 5^2, which is 25. Dividing 93 by 25 gives us 3 with a remainder of 18. Therefore, in base 5, 93 is represented as 3,18.
Coefficient -5. Base: x. exponent: 3. Value: depends on the value of x. or Base: (-5)1/3x, exponent: 3
The base can have any positive value.
93 x 5 = 465
to find the value of a exponential number you must multiply the base number by itself the amount of times as the exponent directs. example: if you have 5 to the 7th power, you must do 5*5*5*5*5*5*5=?
500 points .... 1% is 500/100 = 5 so 1% is 5 points then just do 5 * 93 ... so 465 points is 93% of 500
Your question is ambiguous.Possible answers are:1. 333 (333 in base 5 = 333 in base 5). You must properly specify an alternate base if you want a conversion between 2 different bases.2. 2313 (converted 333 base 10 to base 5)3. 93 (converted 333 base 5 to base 10)Method:-------If you want to know 333 base 10 value in a base 5 system, then your answer is: 2313.Base 10 to Base 5 Conversion Method:333 / 5 = 66.6 .6*5 = 3 66 / 5 = 13.2 .2*5 = 113 / 5 = 2.6 .6*5 = 3 2 / 5 = .4 .4*5 = 2----If you want to know 333 base 5 value in a base 10 system, then your answer is: 93.Base 5 to Base 10 Conversion Method:5^2=25 * 3 = 755^1= 5 * 3 = 155^0=1 * 3 = 375 + 15 + 3 = 93
Coefficient -5. Base: x. exponent: 3. Value: depends on the value of x. or Base: (-5)1/3x, exponent: 3
The base can have any positive value.
The base of log, if unspecified, is taken to be 10 so you would be finding the value of the logarithm of 5 to the base 10.This is the value x, such that 10^x = 5.
The Kb value for the conjugate base CN- (cyanide ion) is 2.5 x 10^-5.
93 x 5 = 465
The base has a circumference of 93 miles
the absolute value of 93 is 93. All ou have to do to figure this out is make the number you are given weather it is posative or negative and make it a posative. (ex. -37, absolute value is 37.)
9.6 = 93/5