

What was Euclid mother name?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What was Euclid mother name?
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Was Euclid known as the mother of geometry?

Euclid was known as the Father of Geometry.

What is the name of the book Euclid wrote?

Euclid's Elements is the name you're after.

Is Euclid is known as the mother of geometry?

Euclid was known as the father of geometry, so no he was not known as a mother except in the blurted utterance, "Who was the mutha that invented geometry."

Is Euclid known as the mother of geometry?

Euclid was known as the father of geometry, so no he was not known as a mother except in the blurted utterance, "Who was the mutha that invented geometry."

What is the scientist euclid's full name?

Euclid James

What was Euclid's parents name?

Mr and Mrs Euclid

Euclid's mum's name?

Nothing is known about Euclid's family.

How do you use euclid in a sentence?

Euclid was the name of a famous Greek mathematician.

Where does the name Euclid originate?

"Euclid" is the anglicized version of the Greek name Εὐκλείδης, meaning "Good Glory".

What is euclids full name?

Euclid of Alexandria or Eukleides

Who were Euclid's parents?

There is little known about Euclid's past life and family. His mother and father are not known.

What was the name of Euclid's father?

His father's name was Naucrates, and his Grandfather's name was Zenarchus