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Q: What was Pythagoras' early life like?
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Early Ayurvedic references to a life force, or prana, go back to the eighth century b.c. In the West, as early as the sixth century b.c., Pythagoras conceived of a life energy, or pneuma, visible in a luminous body.

Who are the brothers of Pythagoras?

Pythagoras's older brothers were Eunomus and Tyrrhenus. His father was Mnesarchus. His mother was known as Parthenis in her early life, but later took the name Pythais. His wife was Theano. His daughters were Myia or Myria, Damo and Arignote. His sons were Arimnestes and Telauges.

Who influenced Pythagoras?

Pythagoras was influenced by many of his teachers from an early age. Anaximander, Thales, and Pherecydes were probably the three most influencial.

Was Pythagoras's life rough?

it was very rough

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Who discovered pythagorean therem?

Pythagoras. It was proved by early Chinese mathematicians, fyi.