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Pythagoras was influenced by many of his teachers from an early age. Anaximander, Thales, and Pherecydes were probably the three most influencial.

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Q: Who influenced Pythagoras?
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Who was influenced by Pythagoras?

he was cool3

Who did Pythagoras work with?

Pythagoras is not known to have had any named partners. However, he did have many disciples who followed him in philosophy, mathematics and religion. Plato and Aristotle were both influenced by Pythagoras's principles.

Who did Pythagoras study with and who influenced him in his mathematical discoveries?

He studied at many schools with his followers and Pythagoras the mathematician from around 300BC was his main influence.

Who did Pythagoras influence?

Pythagoras influenced many people like, Philolaus, Alcmaeon, Parmenides, Plato, Euclid, Empedocles, Hippasus, and Kepler.

Why was mathematics important to Pythagoras?

He was interested in math when he knew there were many problems about the world. He was influenced by Thales and many more people.

Why did pythagoras get interested in mathematics?

He was interested in math when he knew there were many problems about the world. He was influenced by Thales and many more people.

What is the education of Pythagoras?

Pythagoras was well educated, and he played the lyre throughout his lifetime, knew poetry and recited Homer. He was interested in mathematics, philosophy, astronomy and music, and was greatly influenced by Pherekydes (philosophy), Thales (mathematics and astronomy) and Anaximander (philosophy, geometry).

What three pursuits did Pythagoras dedicate his life to?

Pythagoras dedicated his life to philosophy, mathematics and religion. He was well known for his philosophic writings and his advances in mathematics. He also founded the Pythagorean brotherhood which was religious in nature. The brotherhood developed principles that influenced Plato and Aristotle.

What are 3 main discoveries of Pythagoras?

Pythagoras biggest impact on people today was the Pythagorean Theorem. Some other things he has influenced people with are the discovery that music notes could be used in mathematical problems, he devising the tetractys, and which is a triangular figure of four rows

Why was Pythagoras reffered to as the Pythagoras of samos?

Pythagoras was called "Pythagoras of Samos" because he was born in Samos.

what is Pythagoras full name?

Pythagoras of Samos

Did Pythagoras die?

Yes, Pythagoras died on None