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Q: What was Z eus involved with?
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What is the difference between transitive and substitution property of equality?

the transitive property is when x=y and y=z then x=z e.g 4+1 = 6-1 and 6-1 = 10/2 so 4+1 = 10/2 three terms involved and the substitution property is that if x=5 and x+1 =6 so 5+1 =6 that is you put the value of x into the equation and two terms are involved :)

What pattern involved in multiplying algebraic expression?

m(a + b) = ma + mb distributive property (a + b)(c + d) = a(c + d) + b(c + d) The use distributive prop. twice. (c + d)(x + y + z) = c(x + y + z) + d(x + y + z) Still use dist. prop. etc. These work for subtraction as well.

How do you find the number z such that 93 percent of all observations from a standard Normal distribution are greater than z?

The tables for Z-scores are given in the form of P = Prob(Z < z) for various value of P and z. Since Prob(Z > z) = 0.93 > 0.5, then by symmetry, z < 0. So suppose z = -a where a > 0 Now Prob(Z > -a) = 0.93 is the same as Prob(Z < a) = 0.93 [because the standard Normal is symmetric]. therefore, from the tables, a = 1.4758 (approx) and so z = -1.4758 (approx).

What is one-third of z?

z divided by 3

How do you compute the probability pY and gtu given a random variable Y has a normal distribution with mean m and variance s2.?

You find z = (u - m)/s and the look up the Pr(Z > z) in the tables of cumulative probability of the normal distribution. Note that the tables only give the probabilities for Pr(Z <= z) for z >=0. So Pr(Z > z) = 1 - Pr(Z<=z). Also, if z < 0 then you will need to use the symmetry of Z about the value 0.

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Eus's population is 411.

What is the area of Eus?

The area of Eus is 20.08 square kilometers.

How do you pronounce Zeus?

it's simple to pronounce zoo-us .see? it's a piece of cake! or zo-eus eus is pronounced us so the e doesn't hear like e it hears like o

What does EUS stand for?

European Union

yynhyt78yb7t/ ir.,eus. drf6tg7yh8?

ur mother

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Adieus is a word. The word means goodbye.

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because egod mad eus he loves the way he made us


because egod mad eus he loves the way he made us

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He's a boy. In the Greek language, "-eus" is always male.