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Q: What was euclid's field of study?
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What is a narrow field of study within a larger field of study called?

A narrow field of study within a larger field is often called a sub-discipline.

What were some of euclids accomplishments?

His major accomplishment was in philosophy and mathematics

How is field study different from laboratory study?

field study involves observations of living things.

What do doctors learn in graduate school?

Doctorates can be taken in most every field of study. What is learned at the doctorate level depends on the field of study, and area of specialty.Doctorates can be taken in most every field of study. What is learned at the doctorate level depends on the field of study, and area of specialty.Doctorates can be taken in most every field of study. What is learned at the doctorate level depends on the field of study, and area of specialty.Doctorates can be taken in most every field of study. What is learned at the doctorate level depends on the field of study, and area of specialty.Doctorates can be taken in most every field of study. What is learned at the doctorate level depends on the field of study, and area of specialty.Doctorates can be taken in most every field of study. What is learned at the doctorate level depends on the field of study, and area of specialty.

What is Charles drew's scientific field of study?

His field of study was in Physics.