

What was happening in 387 A.D?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What was happening in 387 A.D?
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He was born in/about 387 AD.

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1624 years.

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Current thinking says he was born about the year 387 AD.

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Patrick was born about the year 387 and died about the year 461 AD,

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Yes, St. Monica predeceased St. Augustine. St. Monica died in 387 AD, while St. Augustine lived until 430 AD.

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Saint Patrick was born in 387 AD in Banwen, United Kingdom. He died March 17 460 AD in Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland.

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Saint Monica of Hippo was born in 331 Since she died at age 56 in 387 AD.

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The Annals of Ulster, a chronicle of midieval ireland, indicate that he lived from around 387 to 461 AD.