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Q: What was the Chinese estimate of pi?
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What chinease mathametician computed the value of pi?

Zu Chongzhi was the Chinese mathematician who computed the value if pi.

How do you say belly in Chinese?

You pronounce it like this: dou pi

Describe How you could estimate the area of a circle whose radius is 1 cm?

You do not need to estimate it. You can calculate it as being pi*r2 which, in this case is pi square cm.

How do you estimate the area of a circle with the diameter of 14.1?

use 14.1 times pi pi is close to 3.14159265358979383

What is contribution of aryabhatta in history of pi?

He estimated pi to 5 decimal places. This estimate was mentioned in Al-Khwarizmi's book on algebra and through that route the estimate arrived in Europe.

How do you spell pipa in Chinese?

If you are referring to the Chinese musical plucked-string instrument it is 琵琶 pi(2) pa

How can you estimate the length around a circle when youknow the length of the radius or diameter?

2*radius*pi or diameter*pi, pi = 3.14 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Where is pi from?

Pi is the never ending, never repeating number. It was created my a Greek mathematician and the estimate for pi is 3.14 but some more digits are: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445 Pi is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1.

What is the history of pi?

pi has been around for as long as we have had written records.Its approximate estimated value of Pi up to 5 decimal places is 3.14159 .Archimedes was the first person to estimate the correct value of pi