If you were born in September, 1962, how old are you in 2010?You are 48 if you were born in September of 1962.
2012 - 1962 = 50
2010-1962 = 48
March 13 1962 was a Tuesday.
September 22, 1962, was a Saturday.
Minicomputer systems (desktop, network, laptop, and handheld devices) range in price from $15,000 to $150,000.
There were no "minicomputers "(by today's standards) then. The smallest computers in service were the size of a large car.
the first successfull minicomputer
The minicomputer was invented as early as the mid 1960s and were sold for a cheaper price than the larger computers from competitors that were on the market. It is rarely called a minicomputer now, it is now known as a midrange computer.
John regarht
John Regarht
I cost 16,000
No, laptops and PCs are microcomputers.
The first successful minicomputer was the DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) PDP-8, introduced in 1965. They sold more than 50,000.
so that when you are on the run you can have a minicomputer in your purse or "European shoulder bag" as some call it, and in a way its easier to maintain, its lighter and fun to play games on.