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Q: What was the distribution of the power that prevented any one nation from dominating eurpoe?
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A distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from dominating?

Balance of Power

How has nationalism influenced a nation's role in gaining freedom?

Just to get this thing started...if you have pride in your nation and want the best for it...why not democracy vs. oppression (i.e. another country dominating it and basically telling you what to do).

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The nation's five distribution hubs are Los Angeles, Chicago, New Jersey, Dallas and Atlanta

What did the Neutrality Acts do to Nation in War?

prevented the USA. from joining the war. which then the president ended up tweaking it.

How the nation and total income is spread out among its population is referred to as .?

income distribution

What does Disparity of Income Distribution mean?

it means distribution of income is how a nation's total economy is distributed amongst its population. Classical economists are more concerned about factor income distribution,that is the distribution of income between the factors of production,labor land and capital. Distribution of income is measured by Lorenz curve and Gini co

What is a Lorenz curve?

The Lorenz curve was developed by Max O. Lorenz. The Lorenz curve is a visual representation in economics which displays the income distribution of a nation graphically. On the y-axis, you have income distribution (either as a percentage, or in decimal form); on the x-axis, there is population distribution of total wealth. There is an upward sloping, 45 degree reference line that shows perfectly equal distribution of wealth (i.e 25% of the lowest income earners have 25% of the nation's income). From the Lorenz curve, you can calculate the Gini coefficient; the closer the coefficient is to zero, the more distributed the income of a nation is.

What is a Lorenz?

The Lorenz curve was developed by Max O. Lorenz. The Lorenz curve is a visual representation in economics which displays the income distribution of a nation graphically. On the y-axis, you have income distribution (either as a percentage, or in decimal form); on the x-axis, there is population distribution of total wealth. There is an upward sloping, 45 degree reference line that shows perfectly equal distribution of wealth (i.e 25% of the lowest income earners have 25% of the nation's income). From the Lorenz curve, you can calculate the Gini coefficient; the closer the coefficient is to zero, the more distributed the income of a nation is.

An important factor that prevented the ancient Greek city-states from uniting to form a singel nation was the?

Mountainous Topography of the Region💝👌

What was in important factor that prevented the ancient Greek city states from uniting to form a single nation?

The mountainous geography kept the Greeks from uniting.

What are the major concerns of the developing nation not addressed in the global agenda?

There are some major concerns of the developing nation that are not addressed in the global agenda. For instance the distribution of wealth and resources is not addresses effectively.

What is the term for a large country politically and economically dominating a smaller country?

The term for a large country politically and economically dominating a smaller country is "imperialism." Imperialism involves exerting control and influence over another nation's government, economy, and society for the benefit of the dominant power.