If you mean the 5th problem of Hilbert it was: Are continuous groups automatically differential groups?
One fifth can mean a percentage of a certain object, or be problem to converting it into decimals. 1/5 can also be a coefficient to a variable, such as x.
What are you trying to find? It means that 4 fifth of college students does not use computers at that age or use them even earlier or later.
1\4 x 5=5\4 in other words 5 over 4.
The problem cannot be solved because there is no equation (or inequality) in the question: only three disjoint terms.
A hazelnut, for that is what a filbert is.
Filbert Fledgling was created in 2001.
Filbert Fledgling happened in 2001.
Filbert Bayi was born in 1953.
Norm Filbert was born on June 16, 1925.
A filbert is the same thing essentially as a hazelnut. The term "filbert" is applied to the European variety because the bush that these nuts grow on is called a filbert bush because it blooms on St. Filbert's day in late February. The American variety is called a hazelnut and is grown in Oregon and Washington.
The feast day of Saint Philibert (Filbert) is August 20.
Number 9, Filbert st.
The scientific name for contorted filbert is Corylus avellana 'Contorta'.
A hazelnut
Norm Filbert died on April 8, 2004, in Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA.