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Q: What was the first nation to have an excess of fifty percent of its work force in service industries?
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Who was the first nation to have excess of 50 percent of its workforce in service industries?

United States

Which nation first had 50 percent of it's work force in service industries?


What are the industries in Lebanon?

The nation of Lebanon is a service based economy. Its major industries include banking and tourism. Agriculture only accounts for five percent of the gross national product.

What is an Country?

An industrialized nation has manufacturing and service industries more than agricultural industry. It has big cities and technological advances.

What is an industrialized country?

An industrialized nation has manufacturing and service industries more than agricultural industry. It has big cities and technological advances.

What are some of the industries that made Brazil an industrialized nation?

Some of the industries that make Brazil an industrialized nation are the automobile and aircraft industries. The mining industry also makes it an industrialized nation.

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Who is the founder of the 5 Percent Nation?

Clarence 13X, born Clarence Jowars Smith is the founder of the 5 Percent Nation. He founded the 5 Percent Nation in 1964, in Harlem, New York.

What colors do the 5 Percent Nation wear?

The 5 Percent Nation wear the colors of Gold, Black & White. They are affiliated with People Nation gangs.

What percent of the nation's industrial goods were manufactured in the south?

only 10 percent of the nation's goods were manufactured in the south

Is 5 Percent Nation a gang?

Yes, the 5 Percent Nation is a gang. They are affiliated with gangs under the People Nation, such as the Almighty Latin King & Queen Nation, Almighty Vice Lord Nation & the Almighty Black P. Stone Nation.

What percent of people in the nation have ecstasy?

Eleventeen trillion percent my friend