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Aside from philisophical contributions, Aristotle created the empirical system in science of categorization based on observation.

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Q: What was the main discovery of Aristotle?
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When did Aristotle make is atom discovery?

Aristotle did not make an atom discovery. The concept of atoms was first introduced by ancient Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus around the 5th century BC, while Aristotle believed in the continuous nature of matter.

Who influenced Aristotle?

Nichomachus (Aristotle's father), and Plato. There are many more but these are the main people.

What do you know about Aristotle?

Aristotle believed the main purpose of the human brain was to cool the blood.

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What is a systemic approach to discovery known as?

The systemic approach to discovery is commonly known as the scientific method. Aristotle is known to help discover the scientific method.

What did Aristotle contribute to the discovery of the speed of light?

Aristotle did not directly contribute to the discovery of the speed of light. The speed of light was first measured by Ole Roemer in the 17th century using observations of Jupiter's moon Io, and later refined by other scientists. Aristotle's work primarily focused on natural philosophy and did not extend to the study of light and its speed.

What were the main Greece philosophers?

socrates, plato, and aristotle

Who were the three main philosophers?

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.

What was Aristotle's main argument against the heliocentric model?

Aristotle's main argument against the heliocentric model proposed by Aristarchus was that it did not align with his belief in a geocentric universe centered around the Earth. He based his argument on the apparent lack of observable stellar parallax, which he believed would be present if the Earth were in motion around the Sun.