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Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat corresponded on probability and are known as the founders of probability theory. This correspondence continued on other mathematical topics.

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Q: What was the relationship between Pascal and Fermat?
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Who are the fathers of probability theory?

Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal.

Who found probability?

No individual can be said to have discovered the rules of probability. Some people that made important contributions are Gerolamo Cadarno, Pierre de Fermat, Blaise Pascal and Chritiaan Huygens.Pierre-Simon Laplace wrote what many consider to be the definitive work.

Who did Blaise Pascal help?

Blaise Pascal helped Pierre de Fermat in his work related to the development of probability theory which strongly influenced the development of modern economics and social science.

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The atmosphere is a unit that represents atmospheric pressure at sea level, which is equivalent to about 101,325 pascals. The pascal is the SI unit for pressure, where 1 atmosphere is equal to 101,325 pascals.

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Pascal's principle (apex)

Did Blaise Pascal Work with any other mathematicians?

By the time Blaise Pascal was about 16 years old he had been helping Pierre De Fermat on probability was two major projects. which was proved by google

Who made probability?

Probability is made by two French mathematicians, Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat. It is a measure of the likeness that an event will occur.

Who discovered probability?

Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat started corresponding over an issue on mathematics of gambling, from which the theory of probability developed in 1654.

What is the relationship between Pascal triangle and binomial theorem?

The coefficients of the binomial expansion of (1 + x)n for a positive integer n is the nth row of Pascal's triangle.

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Mathmeticians with algebra formulas named after them?

de Moirve's theorem, Pascal's triangle, Pythagoras triangle, Riemann hypothesis, Fermat's last theorem. and many more

Who developed probability theory?

The Italian mathematician, Cardano, developed the basic concepts of probability in the 16th Century when he was studying games of chance. His ideas were further developed, in the next century by Pascal and Fermat.