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Q: What ways can make students get equations correctly?
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How do students apply quadratic equation as an activity?

Teachers can find many ways to teach students the quadratic equation. An activity could include having contests where students race to solve the equations in the fastest time.

In what ways are equations useful?

they are easier ways to write the answer out and make the answer easier to understand

What are ways to represent linear equations?

One of the most common ways to represent linear equations is to use constants. You can also represent linear equations by drawing a graph.

How many ways can you make 24 using nos 4 6 6 8?

There are 60 different ways of answering this question correctly! You work it out!

How do you remenber equations in chemistry?

The best ways to remember chemistry equations is through flashcard memorization or acronyms.

What are two ways to verify that your solutions are correct?

Graph the equations and see where they meet. Substitute back into both equations

How are quadratic equations used in the real world?

There are many ways quadratic equations are used in the real world. These equations are used to calculate area, speed and profit

How many ways are there to make two groups of six students each from a twelve person class?

It seems to me that there are exactly the same number of ways to make two groupsas there are ways to make one group, because for every one group of six students,the remaining six must be in the second group.The number of ways to make a group of six students out of a 12-person class is12!/(6!)2 = (12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7)/(6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2) = 924 ways

How do you make armbands?

There are many differ ways to create armbands. They can be made out of any flexible rectangle that will fit correctly and can be found a way to connect.

Is eliminating variables from equations equal to find the value of the variables?

No, but eliminating variables is one of several ways to find the value of variables in a system of equations.

How are graphs tables and equations related?

They are different ways to represent the answers of an equation

Where can one find information on ordinary differential equations?

A popular website for information on ordinary differential equations is Pauls Online Notes. Great place that teachs you many other equations and other ways to solve problems.