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Q: What were all of the things that cost just one cent or less in HISTORY?
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a baseball glove in 1932 cost just about 37 CENT

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The cost of gas in 1979 was $0.86. Just a cent ove rhte cost of a dozen eggs. That same year the average cost of a new home was $71,800.00, and inflation was at 13.3%

How many ounces does a 47 cent stamp cover?

Just a single ounce. The second ounce will cost 20 cents.

How much do twinkies cost?

I just paid $1.79 at 7/11.... Never again will i make that mistake.

Does chat for everybody edits cost 1 penny a day?

No, you just pay 1 cent and bang, you have unlimited EEChat! Hope this helps!

Why is the cost call rate to nearest country?

Please specify the country you want to Call China just at 2.16 cent/min.

Can you use an 84 cent stamp from 2006?

Yes, the stamp is still valid for postage in the US. Just equal or exceed the cost of mailing the item.

When is the last day to send 42 cent stamps?

Just one stamp is needed! But it does have to be the right denomination. Currently a single ounce cost 44 cents.

What was the cost of a whopper from Burger King in 1970?

The Whopper was created in 1957 by Burger King founder James McLamore and sold for 37 cents.

Why do cows and buffaloes exist?

That's just like asking why humans exist, or why you and I exist. It's just the way things are, how things turned out from the past history and all.

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Why US product always 1 cent less for example you always see stuff like 1 dollars and 99 cents or 29 dollars and 99 cents why not just say 2 dollars or 30 dollars?

Short answer: psychology.If you see $1.99, you think "Oh, it's less than $2." You mentally group it into the same category of things that cost $1, not the things that cost $2, and are thus more likely to buy it.