America and Europe traded many giod things, like food, animals, and resources. But there was bad thngs. Some people fom europe got american diseases and some people from amerca got europe's diseases.
[APEX July 2021] the diseases that caused a lot of death for Native Americans
Disease killed many Native Americans.
Columbian Exchange is something that Columbian used to exchange goods, they imported and exported all types of food and utensils.
Yes it is!
Native Americans received disease. Although they lost much, the introduction of disease especially STD's.
Potatoes from America improved living conditions in Europe
A negative product of the Columbian Exchange was the transfer of diseases
Slavery and communicable diseases are two negative effects of the Columbian exchange.
the transfer of disease
THe Columbian Exchange is the Globla Trade LOOK IT UP!
The introduction of smallpox to the native Americans.
the introduction of smallpox to the Native Americans
The primary negative effects of the Columbian Exchange were death, disease, and slavery. Positive effects included the incorporation of European methods of agriculture, and the introduction to the Americas of animals such as horses.
enslavement, death
Disease killed many Native Americans.
the introduction of smallpox
the introduction of smallpox to the Native American population