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stop doing your IED homework here ill be your hero go to good luck caps must be correct

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Q: What were the 10 major measurement disasters?
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Major disasters that have happened in Texas?

one major disaster that happened in Texas is the Phillips disasters....

What is one thing all major air pollutant disasters have in common?

Major air pollution disasters have all occurred in industrialized areas.

What is the one thing all major air pollution disasters have had in common?

Major air pollution disasters have all occurred in industrialized areas.

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the Halifax explosion

What level of measurement is what is your major?

That would be a nominal measurement.

What is FEMA's main tool for assistance?

responding to major disasters

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Is there any natural disasters starting with m?

major fire

What are some major disasters that have happened in Germany?

Germany major disaster that happened was river flooding.

Did Saudi Arabia have any major natural disasters?

NO, Arabia does not have disasters, because the Creator protects the land of Arabia and blesses with abundance.

Can earthquakes cause major disaster?

Yes, earthquakes cause major disasters all over the world.

What is the major disasters in Iowa?

Tornadoes and floods are the biggest hazards in Iowa.