Impossible to answer ! Feet is a measurement of distance - seconds is a measurement of time (or angles)
100 feet in 10 seconds gives an average speed of 10 feet per second.
If you went 800 feet in 10 seconds, you would be going 800/10 = 80 feet per second, 237,600 mph.
Roughly 3 minutes, 24 and 1/2 seconds
300 feet in 10 seconds = 30 feet per second. 1 mile = 5280 feet. 5280 feet at 30 ft/sec = 5280/30 = 176 seconds = 2 minutes 56 seconds. Except that he will not be able to keep up that pace.
9 minutes, 10 seconds
76.1 seconds.
6.82 seconds.
22.5 seconds.
146.66 feet every 10 seconds at 10 mph.
100 feet in 10 seconds gives an average speed of 10 feet per second.
0.45 seconds.
a walker travels 10 feet in 6 seconds we need to know how many feet this walker can traval in ONE minute. you mutiply 10 on 6 seconds to make 60 seconds, and also mutiply 10 on 10 feet so this walker will travel 100 feet in 60 seconds (60seconds = 1 minute) Answer will be 100 feet per minute...
10 feet per second squared
69/11 seconds
Well you have 10 seconds to shoot and the distance is 15 feet and 9 inches
If you went 800 feet in 10 seconds, you would be going 800/10 = 80 feet per second, 237,600 mph.
76 feet in 10 seconds is equal to 5.18 miles per hour.