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Q: What were the casualties on both sides at agincourt?
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The Union, although both sides suffered heavy casualties.

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Total dead, from both sides, were about 620,000 from all causes including accident and disease.

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Battle casualties, from both sides (all American), approximately 800,000.

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Because he conducted a war of attrition, knowing that there would be huge casualties on both sides.

What were the main events in the battle of Agincourt?

Although the exact actual numbers of casualties at Agincourt are unknown, it's estimated that as many as 10,000 French were killed and another 1500 taken as prisoners. English casualties are only believed to have been as high as 500. As a result, the path was laid for Henry V to capture of the French throne.

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10,360. There were a total of over 20,000 soldiers lost from both sides in that battle.

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Because, all of the casualties were American, on both sides.

Where was the battle of agincourt fought?
