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Q: What were the outcomes of the three-fifths compromise?
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What did the threefifths compromise do?

allowed the slave states to count a slave as three-fifths of a person

The ThreeFifths Compromise determined how population would be counted for?

The Three-Fifths Compromise determined how population would be counted for....? Representation in Congress and also direct taxes on the population of the states.

Name the 3 possible outcomes when discussing a need?

win, lose, compromise

Why is compromise a better solution than a war?

Compromise helps to avoid the loss of human lives and destruction of resources that war entails. It allows parties to find mutually acceptable solutions to conflicts and can lead to longer-lasting and more sustainable outcomes compared to the temporary resolution achieved through war. Compromise also promotes cooperation and understanding between conflicting parties, fostering better relationships in the long run.

What was the three fifths comprimise?

The Three Fifths Compromise is one of the most controversial parts and outcomes of the Constitutional Convention. For the allocation of seats in the US House of Representatives, a black person counts for three fifths of a white person.

What was three fifth comprimise?

The Three Fifths Compromise is one of the most controversial parts and outcomes of the Constitutional Convention. For the allocation of seats in the US House of Representatives, a black person counts for three fifths of a white person.

What is development outcomes?

development outcomes

What compromise lead to the civil war?

the Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850 no it was thethe Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850

What does trade off means?

This refers to the fact that there is often a compromise regarding the benefits and the costs of certain outcomes. Sometimes there is a need to compromise, and to understand that there is a cost to most beneficial things. The US Congress has brought this concept to the level of art. Much of great art is static. Trade off could be seen as a basic concept of "cost-benefit" analysis.

What is an agreement reached in which each side gives up something that it wants?

It is called a compromise. Examples are the Great Compromise, and the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Henry clay's compromise became known as what?

The Missouri Compromise The Compromise of 1850 The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

What are equally likely outcomes?

They are two or more outcomes whose probabilities are the same.