The smallest whole number that can be divided by both 3 and 6 and leaves a remainder of 1 is 7.
Your question's meaning eludes me. You can divide any number by 5, whether or not it is a remainder, and why would you want to divide a remainder by 5 anyway?
It is a factor.
As a whole number it is 14
The smallest whole number that can be divided by both 3 and 6 and leaves a remainder of 1 is 7.
Your question's meaning eludes me. You can divide any number by 5, whether or not it is a remainder, and why would you want to divide a remainder by 5 anyway?
It is a factor.
As a whole number it is 14
the remainder
It is the remainder.
It is the remainder.
It is: 40
It is 22.
If you divide a whole number by 15, the remainder can be any number between 0 and 14.