

What width is a wormhole?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What width is a wormhole?
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Has anyone gone in a wormhole?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist.

Can anyone go through a wormhole?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist.

When was Wormhole Chasers created?

Wormhole Chasers was created in 2007.

How can wormhole benefit us?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist. Though if wormhole exist, it is like having a shortcut; you can go to other universes and also you can use it as a time machine.

What is a wormhole made for?

there is no evidence that a wormhole exist, but in the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exist. And if a wormhole exist, it is a short cut for traveling into other universes such as parallel universe and also for time traveling.

How can wormholes be observed?

no one ever seen a wormhole before. There is no evidence that a wormhole exist, but in the law of physics, a wormhole can possibly be exist.

Does a wormhole bring you to different galaxys?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist. And if wormhole exists,it wont bring you to other galaxy, but you go to other universes through it and also travel in time.

What is the duration of Wormhole Chasers?

The duration of Wormhole Chasers is 240.0 seconds.

What is the duration of Through the Wormhole?

The duration of Through the Wormhole is 2640.0 seconds.

How many wormholes are there on the universe?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist.

Where are wormholes located in space?

Wormholes are theoretical structures in space that connect two separate points in spacetime. They are not located in a specific place in space but would exist within the fabric of spacetime itself. The exact nature of wormholes and their potential locations is still a topic of theoretical physics and has not been observed or confirmed.

When was Wormhole - video game - created?

Wormhole - video game - was created in 2000.