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Chaos will roam the streets for 1000 years and then the end of time will happen after those years!

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Erik Guevara

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4y ago
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Q: What will be some of the immediate effects of the rapture if that event happen today?
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Will there be a rupture?

Yes, I believe there will be a rapture absolutely. The Bible speaks of "the second coming" of Christ and the calling out of the saints repeatedly, which gives proof to the reality of this event. The rapture will be a glorious event, though it will happen in the time it takes for an eye to twinkle. When the angel blows the trumpet and calls the saved ones home, immediately all saved people will join The Father in Heaven. No one knows exactly when the rapture will occur, but the Bible gives us clues as to when the end times will be. Many of these signs can be found in the Books of Daniel and the Revelation.

What is an immediate crisis?

An unexpected event, such as a terrorist attack, is an immediate crisis, and does not allow for research and planning.

An event that will definitely happen is an event with what percent probability?

An event that will definitely happen is an event with 100% probability.

Can -1.5 be the probability of an event?

No. The probability of an event ranges from 0 (the event will not happen) to 1 (the event will happen).


lmmediate cause is the final act in a particular result or event

What is a probability of 0 which means the event has to happen?

If the probability of an event is zero then that event cannot happen

What is the difference between Effects and Consequences?

Effects refer to direct results or outcomes of a specific action, event, or decision. Consequences refer to the broader impact or implications that result from those effects, often including secondary effects that may not be immediately apparent. Essentially, effects are immediate results, while consequences are the broader, longer-term outcomes.

What is a galactic event?

an event that effects the entire galaxy

What will happen in the rapture?

May 21, 2011 happened and nothing of great consequence happened...answerThe "catching up" of the believers, or as some say the church, when Christ returns. Which we are told in the Bible that we can not know the date for this event, only the Father in heaven knows this information.

What rhymes with capture?

Enrapture, rapture.Rapture. Rapture is a predicted event in certain systems of Christian eschatology. Wikipedia it.