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Q: What will be the direction of drift velocity in an electric field?
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Why do electrons acquire steady drift velocity?

Electrons acquire a steady drift velocity in a conductor when an electric field is applied. This happens because the electric field exerts a force on the electrons, causing them to move in the direction of the field. The drift velocity is the average velocity of the electrons as they move through the conductor due to this force.

Why do electrons acquire a steady drift velocity after applying a voltage?

When a voltage is applied across a conductor, the electric field created exerts a force on the free electrons within the material. These electrons experience a net force in the direction opposite to the field, causing them to move with a steady drift velocity in that direction. Over time, a balance is achieved between the force due to the electric field and the resistance within the material, resulting in a constant drift velocity.

What is the value of Drift velocity?

Drift velocity is the average velocity of charged particles as they move in response to an electric field. Its value depends on factors such as the magnitude of the electric field, the charge of the particles, and the medium through which they are moving.

WHAT is the order of drift velocity?

The order of drift velocity in conductors is typically on the order of micrometers per second. Drift velocity is the average velocity of charged particles as they move in response to an electric field within a conductor. It is influenced by factors such as the material's resistivity and the magnitude of the electric field applied.

Define drift velocity?

Drift velocity is the average velocity with which charged particles, such as electrons, move in a conductor in the presence of an electric field. It is a very slow velocity due to frequent collisions with atoms in the material. Drift velocity is responsible for the flow of electric current in a circuit.

What relation between electric current and drift velocity?

The drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor is directly proportional to the magnitude of the electric current flowing through the conductor. This means that as the current increases, the drift velocity of the electrons also increases. The relationship is described by the equation I = nAvq, where I is the current, n is the number density of charge carriers, A is the cross-sectional area of the conductor, v is the drift velocity, and q is the charge of the charge carrier.

Why the magnitude of drift velocity is so small?

The magnitude of drift velocity is small because it represents the average velocity of charge carriers in a material experiencing an electric field. The individual charge carriers move at high speeds, but they collide frequently with atoms in the material, leading to a net low average velocity. The drift velocity is proportional to the strength of the electric field and inversely proportional to the charge carrier's mobility and the charge density.

What is the velocity experienced by an electron in an electric field?

The velocity experienced by an electron in an electric field depends on the strength of the field and the mass of the electron. The velocity will increase as the electric field strength increases. The electron will accelerate in the direction of the electric field.

What will be the effect on the motion of electron if it travels along the dirction of electric field?

If an electron moves in the direction of an electric field, it will experience an acceleration in the same direction as the field. This will cause the electron's motion to speed up. If the electron is already moving with a velocity in the direction of the electric field, it will continue to move with a constant velocity.

What are Drift velocity and momentum relaxation time?

Drift velocity refers to a particle's average velocity being influenced by its electric field. Momentum relaxation time is the time required for the inertial momentum of a particle to become negligible.

What is drift velocity?

In a current-carrying circuit, a charged particle is accelerated by an electric field. It also undergoes frequent collisions with the stationary ions of the wire material. These two effects result in the very slow net motion (drift) of moving charged particles in the direction of the electric force. The drift velocity describes this motion. Average drift speed for electrons is on the order of 10-4 m/s (Young and Freedman, University Physics).

What do you mean by drift velocity and mobility of a free electron?

Drift velocity refers to the average velocity of free electrons as they move in response to an electric field. Mobility of a free electron is a measure of how easily an electron can move through a material under the influence of an electric field, and it is calculated as the ratio of drift velocity to the applied electric field.