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answer please The forces on the man are gravity (his rest weight of 400 N) pulling down and the force of the scale , say P, pushing up on his feet. Then apply Newton's 2nd law to the man; mass x acceleration = net force on man: (mass = 400/9.8 = 40.8 kg) ma = P -400 P = ma + 400 Now P is the force the scale exerts on the man. From Newton's third law the man will exert an equal force on the scale. This force is therefore the scale reading and the man's apparent weight. If the acceleration is up then a = 2 m/ss , and P = (40.8)(2) + 400 = 481.6 N If the acceleration is down then a = -2 m/ss, and P = -(40.8)(2) + 400 = 318.4 N

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Q: What will be the scale of man in an elevator moving at an acceleration of 2 ms2 if the resting scale on him is 400 newtons?
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In this case, it is as if no force acted on the object. The object won't acceleration; if it is resting, it will continue resting, and if it is moving, it will continue moving at the same velocity.

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When the elevator stops moving, the reading on the scale will briefly increase before returning to the original reading. This is due to the inertia acting on the person's body and affecting the scale reading as the elevator decelerates.

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When the elevator starts moving down, the time period increases. But when the elevator is descending at a constant velocity, the time period returns to its normal.

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We can feel the sensation of going up or down in an elevator due to changes in our body's inertia and the acceleration or deceleration of the elevator. Additionally, visual cues such as the changing floor numbers displayed in the elevator can also indicate the direction of movement.

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An object which is not moving is not experiencing any acceleration, other than the acceleration due to gravity, which, along with mass gives it its weight. The upward force (normal force) acting on the object is equal to but opposite to its weight, and all of the forces acting on the objects are in equilibrium so the net force is zero Newtons.

Is acceleration due to gravity act on a body resting on a table zero?

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