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Q: What will happen if the bridges do not have sharp edges in sonometer experiment?
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Are most earthquakes near edges?

Not necessarily, they happen on fault lines.

Can earthquakes happen every where?

no only on or close to the edges of a fault line or tectonic plate

What are two things that can happen at the edges of tectonic plates?

They could meet and cause an earthquake.

If the degree of a node is 0 then the tree is called?

This would be just a single node, since no edges (you can think of degree as the number of edges connected to a node). If you are talking about the in-degree, or out-degree of a node being zero, this can happen many times in a directed graph (in-degree = # edges going IN to node, out-degree = # edges going out...).

What would happen if you ate a beer can on mars?

you would cut youre lips on the sharp metall edges

How many edges does a rhombic dodecahedron have?

24 edges.24 edges.24 edges.24 edges.

Where does a earthquake happen?

Earthquakes occur all the time all over the world, both along plate edges and along faults.

How many edges does a pentagonal prism have?

A pentagonal prism has 15 edges. 10 of these are base edges and then 5 lateral edges. Formula : A prism with a n-sided polygons at each end will have 3n edges.

What will happen if the earth is square?

you would fall off the earth because circles have no edges squares do and you would trip off if you did not watch were you were going

Why do earthquakes usually occur plate boundaries?

Earthquakes are usually happen along the edges of the tectonic plates and are caused by the plates hitting together.

What is the relationship between the location of earthquakes volcanoes trenches and plate boundaries?

Most earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen along the edges of the plates.

What shape has no edges?

a sphere has no edges. a circle has no edges.