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This would be just a single node, since no edges (you can think of degree as the number of edges connected to a node). If you are talking about the in-degree, or out-degree of a node being zero, this can happen many times in a directed graph (in-degree = # edges going IN to node, out-degree = # edges going out...).

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Q: If the degree of a node is 0 then the tree is called?
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One important property of a B-Tree is that every node except for the root node must have at least t-1 keys where t is the minimum degree of the B tree. With t-1 keys, each internal node will have at least t children [Cormen et al., Introduction To Algorithms Third Edition, MIT Press, 2009 p. 489].If we allow a minimum degree of 1, then each internal node will have 1-1=0 keys!

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The minimum depth of a leaf in a decision tree is typically 0, meaning that a leaf node can be at the same level as its parent node.

Program to count number of leaf node in binary tree in c plus plus?

Add the following recursive method to your binary tree's node class: size_t Node::count_leaves() { if (!left && !right) return 1; // this node is a leaf size_t count = 0; if (left) count += left-count_leaves(); // count leaves on left if (right) count += right-leaves(); // count leaves on right; return count; // return total leaves. } To count the leaves of the entire tree, call the method on the root node of the tree. To count the leaves of a subtree, call the method on the root node of the subtree.

Program for count the total number of node in binary tree?

The number of nodes in any subtree is the number of nodes in its left subtree, plus the number of nodes in its right subtree, plus one, so you can use a recursive algorithm and start at the root.unsigned intbinarytree_count_recursive(const node *root){unsigned int count = 0;if (root != NULL) {count = 1 + binarytree_count_recursive(root->left)+ binarytree_count_recursive(root->right);}return count;}

How can one determine the height of a binary tree?

To determine the height of a binary tree, you can start at the root node and recursively calculate the height of the left and right subtrees. The height of the tree is the maximum height of the left and right subtrees, plus one for the root node. This process continues until you reach the leaf nodes, which have a height of 0.

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The height of a tree is the longest path from the root to a leaf, counting the number of edges. The depth of a tree is the longest path from the root to a leaf, counting the number of nodes. The level of a tree refers to the depth of a node with respect to the root, where the root is considered to be at level 0.

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Write a programme segment to find out the total number of nodes in a tree?

This can be achieved with a recursive-traversal function starting at the root.Binary tree nodes use the following shorthand form (using tertiary conditional operator):int Node::GetNodeCount(){return( 1 +( left ? left.GetNodeCount() : 0 ) +( right ? right.GetNodeCount() : 0 ));}Or in longhand:int Node::GetNodeCount(){// Always include self in countint count = 1;// Is there a left node?if( left )// Increment the count with a recursive traversal.count += left.GetNodeCount();// Is there a right node?if( right )// Increment the count with another recursive traversal.count += right.GetNodeCount();// Return the total count to the caller.return( count );}Tree nodes with variable child nodes (lists of lists) use the following longhand form:int Node::GetNodeCount(){// Always include self in count = 1;// Start with this node's head node (the first child node).Node node = head;// Iterate through all child nodes.while( node ){// Increment the count with a recursive call.count += node.GetNodeCount();// Traverse to the next child node.node =;}// Return the total count to the caller.return( count );}

How do you represent binary tree using array?

The root of the tree is stored in array element [0]; for any node of the tree that is stored in array element [i], its left child is stored in array element [2*i], its right child at [2*i+2]

What are the differences between a full binary tree and a complete binary tree?

A full binary tree is a tree in which every node has either 0 or 2 children, while a complete binary tree is a tree in which all levels are completely filled except possibly for the last level, which is filled from left to right.

What is the difference between a full tree and a complete tree in terms of their structure and characteristics?

A full tree is a tree in which every node has either 0 or the maximum number of children allowed. A complete tree is a tree in which all levels are fully filled, except possibly for the last level, which is filled from left to right.