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It is likely to sink. However, it may float if it is shaped like a boat.

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Q: What will happen to an object placed in a tub of water if it has a density greater than 1.0 g?
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How do you know an object has a density greater than water?

If an object placed in water sinks - then it has a density greater than water.

What will happen if the density of an object placed in a liquid if the density of the liquid is greater than that of the object?

If the density of the liquid is greater than that of the object, the object will sink. This is because the liquid is denser and exerts a greater buoyant force on the object, causing it to sink until it reaches an equilibrium point where the buoyant force equals the gravitational force.

What object placed in a liquid of greater density will do this?

an object will float on a denser liquid

Does the tendency for an object to sink or float have to do with the object's density?

Yes. The object will sink if its density is greater than the fluid it is placed in.

What will happen if a substance with a mass density greater than water is placed onto a container if water?

The object will dissolve in the container of water.

What will happen to a solid object made from matter with a greater density that water when it is dropped into water?

The object will sink in water because its density is greater than that of water. The buoyant force acting on the object is less than its weight, causing it to sink.

An objects density must be greater than what for the object to float?

An object's density must be less than that of the fluid it is placed in for the object to float. If the object's density is greater than that of the fluid, it will sink.

What will happen to an object placed in water if the object's density is less than the density of water?

We both know it floats

If two identical objects are placed in different fluids the buoyant force will be greater on the object in the?

fluid with higher density, as the buoyant force is directly proportional to the density of the fluid. Therefore, the object placed in the fluid with higher density will experience a greater buoyant force.

If an object sinks when being placed in water its density is?

To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.

What will happen to an object placed in a tub of water if it has a density greater than 1.0 g cm3?

The object will sink because the object is denser than water.

How much does the density have to be for something to sink?

An object will sink if its density is greater than the density of the fluid it is placed in. This is known as being denser than the fluid. The exact density required for an object to sink will vary depending on the fluid and the object's shape and size.