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Lower density materials float in higher density fluids. This does not occur if two miscible fluids are miscible (dissolve in each other). In that case the one fluid mixed with the other (e.g. alcohol and water)

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Q: What would happen to a liquid or solid that has a lower density than water is placed in container of water?
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The object will dissolve in the container of water.

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The density of the material is greater than the density of water if it sinks to the bottom of the container when placed in water.

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You can determine which liquid has greater density by measuring the mass of equal volumes of each liquid. The liquid with greater mass per unit volume has higher density. Alternatively, you could also check their buoyancy when placed in the same container – the liquid that floats on top has lower density.

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The density of the material is greater than the density of water because it sinks to the bottom of the container. Objects with a density greater than that of water will sink in water.

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If the density of a body is greater than the density of the liquid it is placed in, the body will sink in the liquid. This is because objects with higher density than the liquid they are placed in will experience a net downward force greater than the buoyant force acting on them, causing them to sink.

What Is the relationship between density of a liquid and the objects that float or sink in the liquid?

An object will float if it has less density than the liquid in which it is placed.

What object placed in a liquid of greater density will do this?

an object will float on a denser liquid

How does the liquid density affects the buoyancy of ojects placed in liquid?

The density of the liquid determines the buoyant force acting on an object placed in it. If the object is denser than the liquid, it will sink. If the object is less dense than the liquid, it will float. The relationship between the density of the object and the density of the liquid affects how much of the object is submerged and the magnitude of the buoyant force.

What will happen if the density of an object placed in a liquid if the density of the liquid is greater than that of the object?

If the density of the liquid is greater than that of the object, the object will sink. This is because the liquid is denser and exerts a greater buoyant force on the object, causing it to sink until it reaches an equilibrium point where the buoyant force equals the gravitational force.

What changes shape when placed in different container?

Any Liquid or Gas

What can handle more pressure a small closed container or a large closed container if the amount of liquid placed in it is the same?

small container

How can you tell when an object will float on water or any other liquid?

An object will float on a liquid if its density is less than the density of the liquid. This is because objects with lower density will displace an amount of liquid equal to their weight, causing them to float. If the object's density is greater than the density of the liquid, it will sink.