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Q: What will happen to the co efficient of discharge if the tube is shorter than the standard length or the head causing the flow is relatively high?
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What will happen to the coefficient of discharge if the tube is shorter than the standard length or the head causing the flow is relatively high?

If the tube is shorter than the standard length or if the head causing the flow is relatively high, the coefficient of discharge may increase. This is because with a shorter tube or higher flow head, there is less room for frictional losses, leading to a more efficient discharge of fluid.

Would a bad solenoid discharge the battery?

If the defect is causing a parasitic drain, yes.

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causing an intense itchy rush and swollen ears which produces a discharge

What is a 'centre fire' rifle And why is it called that?

Any rifle that the firing pin strikes the bullet casing right in the center of the casing, causing it to discharge is called a "Center Fire Rifle." In contrast a "Rim Fire Rifle" the firing pin strikes the edge or rim of the bullet casing causing it to discharge.

What will happen to the coefficient of discharge if the tube is shorter than the length or the head causing the flow is relatively high?

If the tube is shorter than the required length or if the flow is high, the coefficient of discharge may decrease. This is because the flow may become more turbulent and the accuracy of the flow rate measurement may be affected. Generally, for accurate measurements, it is important to ensure that the tube length and flow conditions are within the specified parameters.

How precipitation intensity can affect discharge in a river channel?

High precipitation intensity can lead to increased runoff into a river channel, causing a higher discharge. This can result in flooding and erosion due to the higher volume of water flowing through the channel. Conversely, low precipitation intensity can lead to lower discharge in the river channel, potentially causing water shortages and impacting ecosystems that rely on the river for water.

Why chlorinate the community's water?

Chlorine is a highly efficient disinfectant and is used to kill disease-causing bacteria in our water.

What std causing genital irritation and mild discharge?

TrichomoniasisIt is called Trich or trichomoniasis. It usually causes a fishy smell in women.

Why discharge tube appears dark at very low pressure?

At very low pressure in a discharge tube, there are fewer gas atoms present to ionize and produce light. This results in fewer collisions and less emission of visible light, causing the discharge tube to appear dark.

Can nipple discharge arrest the menstruation?

Nipple discharge and absent periods is a combination of symptoms that always deserves a checkup. Take a pregnancy test first if you are at risk of pregnancy. If that's not the cause, there could be a hormonal imbalance that is causing this combination of symptoms.

My vagina has a discharge that is smells like cheese I've been test for stds and yeast with negative results what could is causing this discharge my tubes are tied can that be cause?

try to wash more Hey u stole our second and thid opinions

What happens to discharge and velocity near base level?

As an Alluvial stream stream approaches its base level, the discharge decreases, causing a reduction in velocity. This reduction in velocity leads to sediment deposition and the formation of a delta near the base level.