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Q: What will the ring of fire look like in 100 million years?
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It is now known what North America look like 100 million years from now.

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Much the same as they do today. One million years is virtually nothing on the global and stellar timescale.

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well you never know. No one knows unless you think you'd be alive for 250 million years.... #justsaying..

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You will look like lots of miscellaneous molecules scattered all over the place.

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some of the stars we see in the universe took millions of years to get here - we are seeing what it looked like a million years ago.

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Who knows? We might all be dead in 4 million years, or we might evolve into some weird... thing, or we might just... stay the same!

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Yes, the Grand Canyon as we know it today would look very much like the Grand Canyon of 17 million years ago.

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