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Q: What word means to cross over like the arms of an x?
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A indicates that you are not to cross over or pass?

A solid yellow line means that you are not allowed to cross over or pass, but a dotted white, or yellow line means that you can cross over or pass.

What does overlap mean?

To cross over anoyher thing. Like a seatbelt overlaps your body. hope this helps!!

Transverse means the same as?

to span or cross over

Is cross a verb?

Yes, "cross" can be a verb. It means to move or extend from one side to another, to go across, or to pass over something.

What is another word that means cross a bridge?

pass over it

What does the name Travis mean?

Travis is from Old French and means "to cross over" (similar to the English word traverse).The surname was often given to gatekeepers, toll collectors, and bridgemen.

What does a Celtic cross tattoo over the heart mean?

it means that you worship satan.

How do you fold laundry?

For shirts you cross over the arms, the fold them vertically twice. For pants you fold the across horizontally then fold them in half vertically.

Path is a prefix that means what?

"Path" as a prefix means "feeling" or "disease," such as in the words "sympathy" or "pathology."

How do you do the ricky bobby dance?

you put your arms like you are soluting a army person but you swing them at your side and then you point your hand in frount of you the put your arms like your showing your muscles then you put your arms like your moveing a wheelchair by its wheels then you do the lean wit it rock wit it to you sides and repeat the moves over and over again.

What does the idiom to cross your arms or your legs mean?

Crossing your arms or legs means putting one in front of the other. When you cross your legs, you're usually sitting down, and you either lift one leg and put it atop (over) the other one, or you just put the ankle or calf of one leg on top of the other thigh. You only do this if you're wearing pants, by the way! Crossing your arms can mean any way that you put one arm in front of the other, but people usually mean the position where your arms are pulled horizontally in front of your chest with your hands tucked against your forearms.

What is the significance of the cross in the life of the Catholic?

It means victory over this evil world and the opportunity for eternal life with God when this life is over.