To the nearest integer, 26855
To the nearest ten, 26850
To the nearest hundred, 26900
To the nearest thousand, 27000
To the nearest ten thousand, 30000
10000 is already rounded off.
30000 rounded to the nearest 60000 would be 60000.
When rounded to the nearest tenth the answer is 155.6Rounding to the nearest whole number, the answer would be 156
Depends. When you round off something, it has to be to a value. 250 rounded off to its nearest tens place would be 250, rounded to its nearest hundreds place would be 300.
Well I supose that it would have to be 5449.99
Rounded to the nearest 100th, it would be 25.97
When rounded to the nearest tenth the answer is 64,166.7When rounded to the nearest whole number, the answer would be 64,167
Yes, 510 rounded off to 3 significant figures would be 510.
10000 is already rounded off.
14. 15 would be rounded to 20.
30000 rounded to the nearest 60000 would be 60000.
The answer is 22.0
It depends what you're rounding off to. 9050 rounded to the nearest hundred, would be 9100. 9050 rounded to the nearest thousand, would be 9000.
When rounded to the nearest tenth the answer is 155.6Rounding to the nearest whole number, the answer would be 156
Depends. When you round off something, it has to be to a value. 250 rounded off to its nearest tens place would be 250, rounded to its nearest hundreds place would be 300.
Rounded off to the nearest ones is 775, rounded off to the nearest tens is 780, rounded off to the nearest one hundreds is 800.
It would be exactly as it appears in the question.